Take the REALTOR® Safety Pledge
Please join us in taking the Pledge to help us protect the lives of hard working real estate agents around the nation, and to encourage responsible and safe showing practices for our clients.
Pledge NowREALTOR Safety Tools
- Agent Identification Form – This form is designed for our agents’ safety and security. In case you have an accident or encounter other problems, this information will make it much easier for us to contact your family and/or law enforcement officials. All information will be kept confidential.
- Agent Itinerary – This form is designed for your safety and security. Please leave the completed form with the receptionist, along with your showing itinerary information.
- Office Safety Action Plan – Customize your own version of the Office Safety Action Plan using this template
- Prospect Identification Form – This form is designed for your safety and security, along with that of property owners and our agents. We appreciate your consideration and cooperation. All security information is confidential and will not be sold or used for solicitation purposes
Safety Tips
REALTOR® Safety should be practiced everyday. Below you’ll find prevention tips that will help you stay on the side of safety. Please report any suspicious activity in South Dakota by calling 844-373-7233.
- Meet first time clients at your office.
- Leave word with someone at the office of where and with whom your appointments will be.
- If you accompany clients through a property, let the prospect lead the way to make it impossible for you to be cornered in a room or grabbed from behind.
- Conduct open houses with a partner.
- Be alert for behaviors that don’t fit the pattern of a potential home buyer, such as checking the alarm system, doors or locks.
- Leave purses and expensive jewelry at home.
- Never leave keys in front-door locks.
- Always take your own car for showings. When you leave your car, lock it.
- Find out as much as you can about prospects, such as where they work, what they do, and how much they earn.
- Ask a lot of questions and be a good listener.
For more tips and articles, visit the NAR Safety Website and review the property-showing safety checklist.
REALTOR® Safe Harbor
We’re safer together.
REALTOR® Safe Harbor is a partnership between the Arkansas REALTORS® Association and Real Agent Guard™. The concept is simple: agents need an easy way to meet with clients in a safe location. Often agents are asked to meet with clients who want to see a property far from their home office. REALTOR® Safe Harbor enables agents to find a safe location that is convenient for the agent and the client. REALTOR® Safe Harbor locations have pledged to make their offices available for meeting with a new client.
How it Works:
If you’re a REALTOR® looking for a convenient, safe place to meet a new client, simply go to the Find page or download the free apps for iOS or Android. With any of these tools you can find a convenient Safe Harbor, coffee shop, or police station and quickly forward the directions to your client. It’s a free, easy-to-use way to find a safe location to meet with a new client.
NAR Member Safety Report
Highlights from the 2017 National Association of REALTORS® Member Safety Report:
- The survey was sent to 48,942 REALTOR® members. There were 3,277 respondents for a response rate of 6.7%.
- 38% of respondents report they experienced a situation that made them fear for their personal safety or safety of their personal information
- 66% of respondents report their office has standard procedures for safeguarding and proper disposal of client data and client information
- 9% say there are no standard procedures like this in place
- 25% report not knowing if there are such procedures